Helping our Communities Thrive for Generations

As your community bank, we’re not just your financial partner – we’re your partner in building a stronger, more vibrant community. Quite simply; if a community thrives, we all thrive. Generations ago, when we first opened our doors, we answered the call to give back. That culture continues to this day.

If you ask our team members and customers what makes Tompkins different, many will tell you that we’re always there for our friends and neighbors. Charities, nonprofits, and civic organizations are essential for a successful community, and we’re proud to help with more than just a donation. Our team members are often outside the office volunteering and helping those who need it most.

As a financial institution who puts the communities we serve first, it is our goal to use our resources and expertise to do what’s right. While we support as many causes and organizations as we can, we aspire to be the go-to financial institution for the following areas of community support:

  • Community Development
  • Education
  • Community Health and Wellness
  • Arts and Culture
  • Community Betterment

Through these critical areas of support, we can work with you to build a more prosperous and thriving community. As we often say, we’re locally focused, but offer a world of possibilities. Together, we can achieve great things for our friends and neighbors.

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