We have partnered with Mastercard* to bring you a convenient and safe Tompkins Business Debit Mastercard® with a variety of perks. With MasterCard, using your debit card just became even more convenient and secure than ever before. Our Business Debit Mastercard is accepted worldwide at more than 38 million locations. All Debit Cards are EMV chip enabled, which provides our customers with the highest level of security available. You can use your Debit Card in stores, at ATMs, and for making online purchases.
Activate by calling 1-866-392-9952.
*Mastercard and the Mastercard brand mark are registered trademarks, used pursuant to a license. For details, see the Guide to Benefits. See www.mastercard.us/zero-liability for details. There is a $5.00 monthly fee for inactive cards after 180 days.