If you keep a higher account balance and would like to take advantage of earning interest, this account is for you.1,2
- No minimum balance to open in a branch
- Free Digital Banking with text alerts,* Mobile Check Deposit and Bill Pay
- Convenient Debit Card
- Overdraft Coverage
- A paper statement fee of $3.50 applies to this account. The $3.50 fee will not apply when you enroll in eStatements rather than paper statements.
- This account has a monthly maintenance fee of $12. Enjoy this account without paying this monthly maintenance fee by maintaining a current balance of $2,000 or more, or direct deposit totaling $1,000 or more per cycle. Receive a monthly credit of $12 when you do one of the two actions listed above.
*Your wireless telecommunications provider may charge you for data usage. Check with your provider for details regarding your specific wireless plan and any data usage charges that may apply.
1 Minimum balance to open account in branch is $0. Minimum balance to open online account is $25.
2 Minimum balance to earn interest is $0.01.
2 Minimum balance to earn interest is $0.01.