Group of girls smiling together outside
Smart Spend Checking is a checking account free from the hassle of overdraft fees1 or bounced checks. This account includes many conveniences of traditional checking accounts like online bill pay and debit card access, and was specifically designed for those taking steps toward financial wellness.

Tompkins Smart Spend Checking BankOn Certified 2025-2026Account Features

  • Full access to Digital Banking with Mobile Check Deposit2
  • Designed to prevent overdrafts3, this account only allows you to spend what you have available in your account
  • Unlimited ATM access4 with the Tompkins Community Bank
  • Debit Mastercard5
  • No minimum balance
  • No paper checks
  • Unlimited in-branch transactions
  • Free monthly eStatements6

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This account has a monthly maintenance fee of $5. 1 If you do not have sufficient funds available in your account to cover a transaction, the transaction will be declined in most cases. In the case that your account is overdrawn, you will not be charged an overdraft fee. 2 Online Banking and Mobile App are required. Restrictions as well as message and data rates from your wireless provider may apply. Subject to terms and conditions of the Online Banking and Mobile Banking Agreement. 3 Other fees may apply, and it is possible for the account to have a negative balance. Please see our Deposit Account Agreement and Personal Schedule of Fees for details. 4 Fees may apply at ATMs not owned by Tompkins. If you use another bank’s ATM, we charge a $1 fee; the other bank may charge a fee. 5 Mastercard and the Mastercard brand mark are register trademarks, used pursuant to a license. 6 A paper statement fee of $2.00 applies to this account. The $2.00 fee will not apply when you enroll in eStatements rather than paper statements.

Deposit and loan products are offered through Tompkins Community Bank, Member FDIC. Investment and insurance products are not FDIC insured, are not bank guaranteed, and may lose value. Tompkins Insurance is licensed to conduct insurance business in all 50 states.